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Untapped Potential | Karen Vally Life Coach

The Good Life

By Karen Vally on 18 Aug 2019

The good life means different things to different people. It depends on what matters to you, what your values, priorities and goals are and what legacy you would like to leave behind. For most of us, it means cultivating a feeling of gratitude, contentment and fulfillment, the kind of feelings that come from spending time with loved ones, doing worthwhile work, serving others and having fun.

Leading a good life means that we look forward to getting up every morning and feel eager about what lies ahead of us. A good life is one characterised by a sense of harmony, peace of mind and balance. People who lead a good life are fully alive and work hard at savouring the rewards that their 5 senses provide - beautiful scenery, pleasant sounds, delicious flavours, enticing fragrances and comforting sensations. They regularly use their sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch to truly understand what it means to be human. They listen, look around and notice different things.

Figure out what soothes you and then make a point of engaging in whatever helps you to replace your sense of overwhelm with calmness. Do not feel guilty about taking time for yourself. To lead a good life, you need to recognize when you're approaching burnout and then take a rest. Your mental well-being is equally as important as your physical well-being.

Those who work consistently at mastering themselves, live a good life as they are contantly exploring ways in which they can learn and grow. They approve of and accept themselves. They know their strengths and develop them further. They fully utilize their resources and manage their time effectively. They are spontaneous and flexible. They are passionate, curious, enthusiastic and decisive. They are prepared to leave their comfort zones by taking risks. They surround themselves with people who support and encourage them.

Explore new hobbies, meet new people, talk to strangers and travel whenever you have the opportunity to do so. Eat healthily and exercise regularly. Practise empathy, communicating effectively and being a good listener.

Keep your mind fixed steadfastly on what you want and how you are going to get it, live your best life and be inspired by these words...

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