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Untapped Potential | Karen Vally Life Coach


View 180 

"I highly recommend the Untapped Potential Coaching Program offered by Karen Vally. I recently completed the program and found it to be a truly transformative experience.

As someone looking to improve aspects of my personal and professional life, I was impressed by the program's focus on the cultivation of poweful perspective, goal setting and execution of daily action steps. The 3 simple daily action steps to take towards my short term and long term goals created discipline (in a fun way).

Coach Karen provided excellent guidance and support throughout the program. She is a great listener. Her insightful questions and practical exercises were fun and at no point did i feel apprehensive. I also read her daily calendar as it serves as a reminder that I am the deliberate creator of my life's experience.

Overall, this coaching program has helped me make big decisions about my career journey and outcomes, eliminate limiting beliefs and embrace life and dreams with no fear.

I highly recommend it to anyone feeling stuck or simply looking to improve their personal energy and forward momentum. It will help you to bring out the truest, highest form of yourself!

Kind regards"

Thole Lekoape

View 172 

"Dear Karen,

I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for the life coaching services you have provided me during my time in the program. Your guidance and support have been truly transformative, and I wanted to share my thoughts and feedback on the services.

From the very beginning, your coaching style stood out to me. Your ability to actively listen and ask thought-provoking questions allowed me to explore my goals, values, and potential in ways I hadn't before. Your guidance helped me gain clarity on what I truly want to achieve in both my personal and professional life.

One of the aspects I appreciated most was your commitment to personalized coaching. You took the time to understand my unique circumstances, challenges, and aspirations. This tailored approach made me feel seen and valued, and it greatly enhanced the impact of the coaching sessions.

Your insightful feedback and practical strategies empowered me to set clear goals and develop actionable plans to achieve them. Your unwavering support and encouragement motivated me to overcome obstacles and stay committed to my personal growth journey.

Furthermore, your flexibility in scheduling sessions and your willingness to adapt to my evolving needs and priorities were highly commendable. It made the coaching experience convenient and accessible, ensuring that I could make consistent progress.

In conclusion, I can confidently say that your coaching has had a profound and positive impact on my life. I feel more confident, focused, and empowered to pursue my dreams and live a fulfilling life. Your dedication to helping me become the best version of myself has been invaluable. I would wholeheartedly recommend your coaching services to anyone seeking guidance and transformation.

Your professionalism, empathy, and expertise are truly exceptional, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked with you. Thank you once again for being an instrumental part of my personal growth journey. I look forward to continued progress and success with the tools and insights you have provided me.

Warm regards,"

Zelna van Dyk

View 158 

"I must say that when I heard the word Coaching, I started to panic. I now must open up to a stranger, someone I don’t know, and this was my ignorant self-speaking.
When I started a whole new chapter opened for me. 
With the help of Karen, I delved deep inside me discovering an entire new me. That was buried deep inside the day I become a mom and wife.
The coaching helped me discover who I was…and that I am not just….
Karen helped me to open and realize that I don’t have to settle for anything less than what I deserve. If I should do this over again, I would do so in a heartbeat as it really showed me true happiness and contentment with me as a person and that I don’t have to settle for anything less.

I would recommend this experience to anyone that is open to change."

Yolandy Lakay

View 127 

"I am very grateful for the life coaching sessions I attended with Karen Vally from 27 September 2019 up to 25 March 2020.

When I walked into Karen’s study, I had been working for a company without any income, while trying to establish a name in starting my own real estate business.
I had not been earning any money for nine months and my self-esteem had dropped.
I had seen life coaching notes at a friend’s house and enquired about the notes. My friend told me about Karen and I contacted her during my last week at my previous place of employment.
I scheduled an appointment with Karen for the day after I left the company I was working at, as I instinctively knew that I would need to find some new direction and insight into my life – especially with regards to my future.
In the first session with Karen we looked at eight areas in my life and I worked on setting a goal for the next six months.
I felt comfortable and supported during that first session – to open up and be honest about my thoughts and feelings.
From that first session onwards, the relationship between coach and client grew stronger and stronger in terms of trust and support.
I felt encouraged and supported and was equipped with tools to go within and work at self-acceptance and self-love. I grew in terms of unconditional love for myself, my Creator and other beings.
I worked through many feelings and thoughts and learnt to practice skills that were necessary for unparalleled growth and transformation.
The life-coaching sessions, combined with reading many books I read during the six months,  opened my heart and mind to keep cultivating positive expectations on a daily basis. 
I also started practising meditation and yoga, in addition to my ‘5 or 6 day a week’ gym schedule and worked hard at living a healthy and balanced life in all spheres of my existence.
I am grateful for learning to be accepting and calm about my present circumstances on a daily basis, and to be pro-active in working to change things I am capable of.
It has been an incredible journey of ‘magical transformation’ for me. I know Karen and I have developed a friendship for life. I am eternally grateful for the people placed in my life who help me on my daily journey of transformation. Karen has played an incredibly important part on this journey.
I studied Psychology Honours and teaching in my early twenties, and now 30 years later, at the age of 52, I feel more positive and serene in my life than ever before.
I have immense gratitude for everything I have learnt from Karen, especially about:
- building a strong wall around myself at times in order to protect myself,
- focusing on my own life, while caring for others,
- ensuring that I have boundaries in order not to lose ‘myself in others’,
- not judging myself and others harshly,
- believing in myself and my abilities,
- rewarding myself,
- living with faith and hope,
- eternal gratitude,
- unconditional love for self, my Creator and others.
I feel super inspired to one day also qualify as a life coach, who can also help others to growth and to increase  confidence and to be set free from previous self-imposed prisons in terms of body, mind and soul.
I am grateful for the time spent learning from Karen and see my time with her as the best investment I have ever made in myself.
I feel blessed to have grown in awareness and mindfulness. There have been vast improvements in my life in terms of the following:
- financial management,
- friendships and relationships,
- social life,
- vocational life or work,
- physical health,
- mental health, 
- spirituality,
- emotional balance,
- personal growth and development,
- confidence,
- self-acceptance and self-love,
- passion,
- purpose.
I feel blessed to be able to carry the skills I have learnt during my times with Karen into my future with a lot of hope, zeal and faith for superlative growth in order to help others towards self-actualisation and finding true purpose and meaning in life.
Yours sincerely,

Arnold Spangenberg

View 123 

"To Karen and those wishing to grow

To get started one has to initiate a thought into action, make a decision and take the first step in order to achieve a desired sentiment — even if the result is vastly different to that which you set out to achieve. 

In my journey as it turned out, I was looking for some help and guidance on a business level and ended up digging into myself... exploring myself and discovering parts of me I knew not of.
Karen called me out the blue upon reference from a good friend of mine in KZN who also is a business owner, call it opportune or call it fate, either way it was meant to be.

The path Karen walked me down was difficult, challenging, uncomfortable at times and yet each and every step revealed parts of me and those around me in such an inspirational way that I was energized and excited.
The drudgery of life at times most certainly gets one down and despondent , speaking for myself being a very optimistic person , it felt at times my fire was dulling.

In closing, this is most certainly a self-help course and there is un told power in that because you empower yourself to make the change and thereby the changes are meaningful.
I have no hesitation in motivating Karen and her demeanor and encourage those who are brave enough to take on the challenge of self growth to consider GO FOR IT! "

Dan Forsyth

View 114 

"My life coaching sessions with Karen have been one of the most powerful experiences of my life. I lost my voice for 6 months and visited numerous Dr's and ENTs having trial and error remedies. I was introduced to Karen by my parents, and as I look back, it was in fact the only remedy I needed.

Looking back at the months that passed, I am now able to write this TESTIMONIAL POSITIVELY as that is one of the values that Karen helped me to instil in myself. Her motivation and positivity helped me become the stronger person I am today. From day one, although I was unable to speak my emotions, Karen looked deeper and "felt" my emotions. She was not only my coach but became a very dear friend to me who was always there at any given time to lift my spirits on my "bad days".

It is not often, in fact seldom if ever, that you can sit down and get completely present with yourself, especially in the emotional state that I was in. Having Karen to understand me without having to speak a word, showed me our deep connection. She understood me emotionally and for me that stood out, as not many could understand my emotions, as I was unable to express my frustration.

Karen helped me to become a stronger and more determined person both mentally and emotionally. She helped me grow as a person and showed me that through positivity and perseverance, there is light at the end of the tunnel.  Karen's guidance and support helped me overcome all the challenges life threw at me over the 6 months. I am forever indebted to Karen and my family for their continuous support during the most difficult time of my life."


View 113 

"We all reach a stage in our lives where we assess what we have done and where we are going and what we want out of life. What we enjoy in life. The legacy we want to leave. Karen helped me refocus my busy schedule to gain perspective and balance back into life and work. Give it a go!"


View 111 

"Children, if you dare to think
Of the greatness, rareness, muchness
Fewness of this precious only
Endless world in which you say
You live, you think of things like this:
Blocks of slate enclosing dappled
Red and green, enclosing tawny
Yellow nets, enclosing white
And black acres of dominoes,
Where a neat brown paper parcel
Tempts you to untie the string.

And, if he then should dare to think
Of the fewness, muchness, rareness,
Greatness of this endless only
Precious world in which he says
he lives - he then unties the string.

--Robert Graves

Give me a word! that describes the way you feel when you read this poem.
This is how I feel about my life coaching experience with Karen.
When I started life coaching; my objective was to get my life organized and running smoothly- so it was a great surprise and incredible journey to discover that there was so much more- and so much more - I had not explored. It was a wonderfully liberating experience; which brought youth and excitement back into my life and changed my whole perspective.
I am rational and logical most of the time; but essentially I am a very emotional being. Life coaching helped me recognize my emotional needs and connect these to everyday action — and Karen is the perfect person to do this. She is very intuitive in recognizing others' strengths and vulnerabilities and has a unique balance of the gentle and firm in her guidance. Karen is a truly wonderful coach.
So: I urge you: untie the string!! - It will change everything.



View 108 

"Coaching sharpened my awareness. It was a journey of self-reflection. It helped me to focus on where I wanted to be and taught me the skills I needed to get there. I learnt how to prioritise and how to communicate more effectively. My confidence grew. Coaching taught me how to think more deeply about the various aspects of my life and encouraged me to see things differently. I now actively seek solutions for each new challenge I face. I felt very comfortable in the non-threatening and non-judgemental environment that coaching creates."


View 106 

"I will always cherish the unfolding of this very unique and synchronized programme. For many years I did not voice my opinion, express my wishes and ask for what I wanted. I had a lack of self-love, felt that I was not worthy and came from the conditioning that others always came first.

I called my journey “reconstructing” myself. In every step of the programme a valuable aspect of self was rebirthed. And over the weeks of digging deep, some crying too.

 It built up to identifying what brought me joy, what my passion was, and then the grand finale : my true purpose.

I never had to “reconstruct” myself, I just needed guidance from a truly passionate coach, who gently helped me by using various tools, to bring to fruition what has always been inside me!

Thank you, Karen, for being such an awesome human being, coach and now forever-friend! I would definitely recommend this programme to everyone who is seeking guidance : to be your best self – for yourself."


View 105 

"The New Insights program helps one identify areas in one’s life that one is avoiding and not dealing with. It gives one new ideas into how to think differently and act accordingly. After the course you will look at life through fresh eyes and changing one’s negative patterns into more positive ones. The goal setting challenges one to change old ways and move in a positive direction towards a happier self. Having a more positive outlook on life can help one attain those goals and get out the rut one is in before the course. The regular sessions force one to become accountable for the goals set out. I would recommend it to anyone, especially if you are needing New Insight into your life and motivation."


View 66 

"Karen Vally is my life coach and mentor and I honestly wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for her. My life coaching journey was, to say the least, the best thing I could have ever done for MYSELF. Not only did it allow me to discover things about myself which I would never have otherwise discovered but it also gave me the courage to do the things I would never have thought possible.

Earlier this year, I was presented with the opportunity to enter Mrs South Africa and took up the challenge. I successfully made it through to the semi-finals – what an honour it was to have been recognised as one of the top 100 women in our country. During my Mrs South Africa journey, I was very grateful to have Karen as my mentor. She was very supportive and helped me to prepare both physically and mentally. Karen played a huge role in helping me achieve my goals and stay focused. As the saying goes: “Nothing great was ever accomplished alone.” Karen, thank you for the time you have invested in me. – Amanda Low (Your A Factor)"

Amanda Low

View 64 

"Karen as a life coach has helped me tremendously to find a clearer direction in both my personal life and my career. She has shown me how important it is to put myself first! Going through the Wheel of life in depth has unlocked something inside of me. My life is now more balanced which has given me a new perspective and best of all, 'an action plan'. Thank You Karen."

Craik Speirs

View 60 

"I have always believed that in life everything happens for a reason and when I met Karen Valley at a Business Seminar, I knew that I met her for a reason.

When I took up the life coaching programme to discover my “Untapped Potential” I was astounded by the impact that this programme had on me.

It was an amazing journey toward self-discovery in which I began to create new habits, beliefs and goals.

I felt a greater appreciation for my talents and purpose in life which made me feel complete again.

We all have the tools and the motivation within us to set forth our creative potential and Karen Valley helped me to explore this further and kept me on track with the post session work which enabled me to commit myself to my goals and my vision in life.

I would highly recommend the life coaching sessions as it is a remarkable way to take yourself to the next level in whatever facet of life one is aiming to improve or master.

Thank you Karen, for being such an inspiration and adding value to my life through your amazing and transformational life coaching programmes."

Riona Rajkumar

View 59 

"I have become a far more confident and self-reliant person and the post session effort Karen put in really helped to motivate me between sessions."


View 54 

"I hope you are at your best today. I believe that today is my goal deadline day. To love myself unconditionally. I'm not at the beach as I had imagined I would be during our sessions on this day but every other expectation is there. Through daily affirmations, journaling, praying I have managed to appreciate myself more. Not only did I start believing that I deserve better but I started doing things that represent just that. I recently got baptised, an action that has drawn me closer to God.

I got readmitted to university and I am continuing on my third year which means next year I will be completing. This means so much to me because I will be defying society limits, hence being an inspiration for all those who have fallen and want to get back up again, especially women in engineering. I Wake up every day with positivity and determination I feel so free, excited... It's a feeling I have missed for a very long time and I thought I had lost it.

I want to thank you, for playing a very role in my journey. It is not over yet and as a young woman with so many aspirations people like you are needed to guide us and give us the confidence to attain our goals."


View 50 

"Thank you Karen!! For unlocking my treasure chest, so that I could discover my true potential. Your patience, guidance and care made me realize that I am capable of conquering all that I want to through confidence, wisdom and my spirituality. Through your guidance I started to study, somewhere I did not ever want to go and now I love it!!

May God bless you abundantly and may you grow from strength to strength."

Keshni Peters

View 48 

"Karen and I met at a business marketing group where she was given the opportunity to talk about her business. I was intrigued by what she had to share and inspired by her self confidence, zest for life and clear sense of direction. We set up a one-to-one coffee date and it was there and then that I made the decision to go exploring for my "Untapped Potential". I had a very powerful first session which motivated me to continue with the Life Coaching programme and … I am so glad I did! It has been an amazing journey, giving me the opportunity to dig deep and discover things about myself which I would never have done on my own. My self confidence has significantly increased, I have taken on a new approach to life, focusing on the inside-out and have become unstoppable. Karen, I thank you for your support and encouragement and look forward to our continued relationship. It's not the end ... it's just the beginning!"

Amanda Low

View 44 

"July 2014 - About two years ago Karen asked me to be a "test subject" for her in her training as a life skills coach. The session was interesting and I was drawn to it.

When her new life as a life skills coach started, I had one of those wow moments and I decided to attend her full course. The time was right. I cannot find words that are powerful enough to explain what I have received from the course - without telling you all about the course. It was ( and still is) the best thing I could have done at my time in life - age 64 1⁄2 .

Like Karen - from cocoon to butterfly, I have gone from being an adult child to an adult; not on the course; the growing up stuff has taken about 28 years - but I needed to understand myself, and you won't believe it - Karen had prepared a course just for me! How did she do that? That is not really correct , but it seemed just like that.

The course is tailored to meet everyone's needs, BUT - here is the catch. If you don't have a very perceptive, sincere tutor and listener, I think you will get a lot less from the course than I got. Karen did not shape the changes in my life - she facilitated them by giving me the right implements, help and advice to get there, through her deep and heartfelt understanding of me, and through the hours she put into preparing my next session.

I encourage anybody to go for a freebie and then - don't wait for the wow moment - just book yourself on the journey, which will eventually turn out to be your never ending life long expedition. Your changes don't stop there. You have to work at the course and beyond. Continue with the tools that you have been given, to access your introspection, which is what to me is, and will be, the most important routine in my life long excursion.

Keep your mind and body active, and just because the course is finished - DSN! DONT STOP NOW!

Thank you Karen for starting a really enjoyable process. Much is still going to happen in my life - thanks to you. WOW."

Peter McEvilly

View 43 

"What Karen has done for me has changed my world...
I always had dreams and aspirations as to what I wanted to be or where I would like to be and what I wanted to be in years to come.
Karen has given me the confidence to take that baby step forward and not look back.
One will never know the feeling of joy when you see your child take his first step and the feeling of elation knowing that there will be no yesterday for regret, as each experience is different.
After taking that first baby step forward, I now have the confidence to dream bigger.
I have done things that I never thought I would, I am still finding that inner peace, "my centre."
Every day is a learning experience.
Karen has untapped my potential and I have never been more confident about my abilities."


View 38 

"As a busy entrepreneur, running the daily activities of my business is a full-time undertaking. There is little time available to focus on growth and development - key components of a successful business. . After a small presentation on Life coaching presented by Karen at a business networking meeting I realized I needed help in trying to achieve my dreams.

When I decided to meet with Karen, I instantly felt like she understood me and what I was thinking and feeling. She has made me realise the goals I needed to set in order to reach my dream and she has given me tools that will be instrumental in helping me move forward. She helped me to prioritize a series of small achievable steps that I am positive will lead me towards achieving my dream.

Thank you Karen!"

Stacy Ellis

View 30 

"I recently received an email from Karen telling me that I had won a free life coaching session. In my life, I have been through counsellors and social workers, but the minute I met Karen I felt at home. Her warmth and kindness just radiated outwards and I felt that she was someone in whom I could confide. She understands that each individual is different and she treated me with so much kindness.

I immediately felt her sincerity and passion for what she does. I came in feeling apprehensive and directionless but I left feeling lighter and a million times inspired. I think Karen has a touch of magic... if she could help me in just our first session, imagine what she does for others. Thank you Karen... what you did for me I’ll never forget."

Aysha Jubhai

View 21 

"I have recently completed the New Insights Coaching Programme with Karen. At the time I was dealing with challenges on a personal and work level! At all times I felt comfortable with disclosing personal issues and Karen always dealt with them in a professional and caring manner. I felt that I was being heard and understood and that she took the time to understand!

She gave up her valuable time to accommodate me after hours as I was unable to do the process during working hours! She always had encouraging messages during the process and even to this day, she gently reminds me of my goals.

I highly recommend that you try a session and see for yourself. I wish Karen all the best and know that her passion is now being lived. Much appreciation and respect."

Sandra Gavin

View 7 

"As a former teacher I have often done goal setting with my students, but it always revolved around making a list and then a once-off word of encouragement to the students to achieve their goals. This programme enabled me to unpack the beliefs and values that have shaped my life and hindered me from achieving my goals. The goal setting in this programme is also a process which has directed me to actively engage in achieving my goals so that they don't just remain a list on a piece of paper.

Karen's positive, disciplined approach to our sessions inspired me to be more disciplined as well. Her enthusiasm was infectious and her sincere interest in me and my journey was so refreshing! I also so appreciated her grace and understanding when perhaps I hadn't fulfilled a task.

I have a successful career, but I believe the skills and the break-throughs I have had in these sessions will give me the "compass" I need to truly live the life I want to live and find the path to achieving my dreams.

I would like to convey my deep gratitude to Karen for the investment she has made in me."

Lara Edmonds

View 5 

"I recently had the privilege of attending one of Karen Vally's life coaching sessions and I can honestly say it was a life changing experience. She is a highly skilled mentor and listener and was able to impart valuable advice and practical methods to help me deal with some of my concerns and issues. I felt relaxed in her company and knew that she truly understood me and I sensed her deep compassion and care throughout the session.

Karen is truly gifted at counselling and life coaching and she has a passion to help people and to see them reach their full potential at whatever they do. She is an example of a self actualized person who has enormous insight and wisdom and has a wealth of information and life experiences to spur people on who are in need of any form of encouragement and guidance to be the best that they can possibly be. She never for one moment made me feel awkward about admitting to my faults and weaknesses and  my only regret is that I didnt have more time to attend more of these sessions as I learned so much about myself and have been practicing the positive self talk she spoke about which has been hugely empowering.

I highly recommend that everyone has the joy of meeting Karen and gaining knowledge and confidence from such a special person."

Suzi Hellens

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