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Untapped Potential | Karen Vally Life Coach


View 183 

Daring To Do Things Differently

By Karen Vally on 24 Jun 2024

""Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." Anais Nin

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The T Word (Tracking Your Progress)

By Karen Vally on 12 Jun 2024

"Most of us make advances small and large every day, but we fail to notice them because we lack a method for acknowledging our progress. This is a huge loss."

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Something Beginning With G

By Karen Vally on 26 May 2024

"If we want the full positive effect of generosity, we have to make it a lifestyle. Generosity has to be a practice." Michael Hyatt.

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When Life Ebbs and Flows

By Karen Vally on 14 Apr 2024

"It's tempting to just want the good stuff in life, we're all guilty of it, but the more we can allow all of it to be there, the less we'll resist the natural ebbs and flows of life."

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Patient Acceptance and Unconditional Love

By Karen Vally on 21 Mar 2024

"Accepting and understanding life's adversities builds mental strength...encouraging you to focus on what you can control as opposed to what you can't."

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In Which Direction Are You Heading?

By Karen Vally on 24 Feb 2024

"Self-coaching is a highly effective way to develop problem-solving skills and to increase creativity and decision making abilities."

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Hidden Possibilities

By Karen Vally on 15 Jan 2024

"I have to know me to grow me." John Maxwell.

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Gratitude and Generosity

By Karen Vally on 22 Nov 2023

"...gratitude is how we feel, and generosity is how we express that feeling out in the world..."

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Human Flourishing

By Karen Vally on 15 Nov 2023

"To master anything, we must first master ourselves: our emotions, thoughts and actions. This ancient virtue of self-control is more essential than ever in today's distraction-filled world." Ryan Holiday.

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To Whom Do You Attribute Your Success? (Who or What has had the Greatest Influence on Your Life?)

By Karen Vally on 21 Oct 2023

"Through dissatisfaction with the staus quo of our lives, self-exploration, and conscious choice, it may be possible to make deliberate decisions to jettison the values, attitudes and beliefs that have guided our lives to that point and choose others that better align with who we are in the present and where we want to go in the future." Jim Taylor.

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The "B" Word

By Karen Vally on 17 Sep 2023

"We're trying to swipe and scroll the boredom away, but in doing that we're actually making ourselves more prone to boredom..."

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A Ripple Effect

By Karen Vally on 07 Jun 2023

"There is nothing more important in one's life than being vigilant over the quality of our thoughts." 

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What is Life Really Like? (How Does It Feel To Be You?)

By Karen Vally on 29 May 2023

"Every disaster in your life is not so much a disaster, as a situation waiting for you to change your mind about it."

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Under Pressure

By Karen Vally on 17 May 2023

"...long-lasting happiness essentially comes from within; it comes from who we are and how we perceive ourselves, the world and the people that surround us. Happiness is therefore very much a way of life and a choice we make about how to live life each and every day."

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By Karen Vally on 09 May 2023

"Most of us find it rather easy to busy ourselves..But we don't often stop to evaluate the meaning behind this busyness...if these things we focus on so intently are what really matters to us."

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A Mixed Bag

By Karen Vally on 20 Apr 2023

"Increasing your awareness of how your emotions and beliefs drive your thinking, influence your behaviour and affect your judgement, will help you navigate life with greater confidence."

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The Mind and the Brain

By Karen Vally on 29 Mar 2023

It (the mind) makes us who we are.

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Patterns in Human Behaviour (And Why We Do the Things We Do)

By Karen Vally on 30 Jan 2023

"What is important, is figuring out how to eliminate (those patterns) with negative consequences and to adopt those that are beneficial to our well-being."

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By Karen Vally on 06 Dec 2022

"But if you really want to improve and become a better person both privately and professionally, you have to be patient and come up with a good plan."

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N - E - W (Now Entertain Wonder)

By Karen Vally on 18 Nov 2022

" We carry inside us the wonders we seek outside us." Rumi.

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Anyone for T - E - A?

By Karen Vally on 16 Nov 2022

" Time, energy and attention are the three currencies you MUST master if you want to reach your full potential. "

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You know the WHAT but how good are you at the HOW?

By Karen Vally on 16 Oct 2022

"Your success is driven by your mindset."

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A Brand called YOU

By Karen Vally on 08 Sep 2022

"We are genetically wired to love and respond to stories."

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How to Fall in Love with Life Again

By Karen Vally on 14 Aug 2022

"It's easy to forget that our lives require active participation in order to stay fresh and exciting." Heidi Priebe.

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It's in Our Hands

By Karen Vally on 19 Jul 2022

" We have knowledge at our fingertips, yet this does not always translate into wisdom."

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Enhance Your Progress

By Karen Vally on 15 Jun 2022

" Small wins have transformational power." Mehrnaz Bassiri.

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With Practice

By Karen Vally on 18 May 2022

" In time, you can learn to ride the wave of anxiety until it dissipates, just as a storm runs its course in the sky." Bob Stahl.

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Discerning The Vital Few from The Trivial Many

By Karen Vally on 23 Apr 2022

" If one's life is simple, contentment has to come. Simplicity is extremely important for happiness." Dalai Lama

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What Patterns Have You Noticed?

By Karen Vally on 16 Mar 2022

"What get's measured gets managed."

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The Missing Link

By Karen Vally on 12 Feb 2022

"True Fun makes us feel alive."

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A Powerful Impact

By Karen Vally on 18 Jan 2022

"If you want to master a habit, the key is to start with repetition not perfection."

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The "S" Factor

By Karen Vally on 10 Dec 2021

"When everything is moving and shifting, the only way to  counteract chaos is stillness. When the surface is wavy, dive deeper for quieter waters." Kristin Armstrong.

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Like a Path that Unfolds as You Tread It

By Karen Vally on 17 Nov 2021

Discovering our purpose in life should not be a chore. It should be fun and intriguing.

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What is it like being a "Newie" (A new Life Coach in Cape Town)?

By Karen Vally on 26 Oct 2021

Networking is a powerful force. In fact, it's the "Strongest Link."

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Making Progress by Becoming the Best Version of Ourselves

By Karen Vally on 20 Oct 2021

"Most of us have two lives. The life we live, and the unlived life within us." Steven Pressfield.

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The Benefits of Starting Over (Why We Struggle to Change Our Habits)

By Karen Vally on 14 Sep 2021

"Starting over keeps you from wasting your time being too hard on yourself...Starting over is about giving yourself a chance at real happiness." Barton Goldsmith

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Cultivate Courage Listen to Your Inner Voice

By Karen Vally on 13 Aug 2021

"In a time when technology dominates and logic reigns, it is easy to lose touch with the inner voice." Nicole Nathan Bem

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The Wisdom in Thinking Again

By Karen Vally on 18 Jul 2021

"...locking our life GPS onto a single target can give us the right directions to the wrong destination."

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Set Yourself Free and Grow

By Karen Vally on 17 Jun 2021

"As long as we know we're trapped, we still have a chance to escape." Sara Grant.

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How to Ignite Your True Potential

By Karen Vally on 20 May 2021

"There's nothing anyone can do to prevent you from reaching your potential..."

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Which Mindset do you have - Growth or Fixed?

By Karen Vally on 14 Apr 2021

"At the heart of what makes the growth mindset so winsome, is that it creates a passion for learning rather than a hunger for approval." Dr Carol Dweck, a psychologist at Stanford University.

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The Butterfly, the Bridge and the Rainbow

By Karen Vally on 07 Mar 2021

" Having a symbol to represent something is a very powerful way to draw it to you.

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The Mystery of Life (Stepping into The Unknown)

By Karen Vally on 01 Feb 2021

" There is little in this world that we can control outside of ourselves."

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Find Your Anchor (It's very turbulent and noisy out there!)

By Karen Vally on 05 Jan 2021

" Without strong anchors, the storms of life can derail us."

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Building Your Legacy

By Karen Vally on 06 Dec 2020

" ...the work of creating a legacy is done while you're still here."

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Bridging the Gap

By Karen Vally on 15 Nov 2020

" ...history teaches us to move forward, recognize our mistakes and learn from them, and ultimately create a better existence for all."

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Skimming the Surface of Life or Digging Deep

By Karen Vally on 14 Oct 2020

" Wise people don't need to make sense of the world. They don't need to be right. They accept the uncertainty that is life."

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By Karen Vally on 13 Sep 2020

" A calm mind is the highest expression of self-control." Fiona Brennan

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How to Cultivate a Good Memory

By Karen Vally on 10 Aug 2020

" A healthy body provides for a healthy mind." Deane Alban.

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Audit Your Life, Ask for Help and Reward Yourself

By Karen Vally on 04 Jul 2020

" The more you track, the more you know about your situation, your behaviour and your projected future. Tracking improves everything." Thomas Oppong.

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Keeping Your Mind Clear and Your Heart at Peace

By Karen Vally on 10 Jun 2020

" Gaining perspective is key. It often makes the difference between resisting and accepting the new changes."

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By Karen Vally on 15 May 2020

" Don't Stop Believing." (Steve Perry, lead singer for the band, Journey.)

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What Really Matters? (How could we create even more meaning in our lives?)

By Karen Vally on 12 Apr 2020

 A sudden awareness of one's mortality can inspire one to lead a more meaningful life. Bernie Siegel.

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Incentives & Rewards

By Karen Vally on 01 Mar 2020

" Having something to look forward to makes it easier to stick with a habit when you lack motivation."

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By Karen Vally on 09 Feb 2020

" Most of us tacitly believe that our emotional state has to match the task at hand."

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When the going gets tough (What makes perseverance so difficult?)

By Karen Vally on 11 Jan 2020

" When the going gets tough, most people disappear." Ernie J. Zelinski

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The Sweet Spot

By Karen Vally on 20 Nov 2019

" Of course there is no formula for success except perhaps an unconditional acceptance of life and what it brings." Arthur Rubenstein.

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By Karen Vally on 15 Nov 2019

When Dr Kristin Neff's child was diagnosed with autism, it was the incredible power of self-compassion that enabled her to cope. Self-compassion is treating ourselves with the same loving kindness and care that we would give to a close friend.

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New You Next Exit

By Karen Vally on 09 Oct 2019

" While most of us like to think we're flexible and adaptable, the truth is, the mere thought of a necessary change makes most of us want to run and hide."

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Self - Belief

By Karen Vally on 17 Sep 2019

" Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk  curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit."

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The Good Life

By Karen Vally on 18 Aug 2019

" Urgency and haste diminish accuracy, awareness and happiness."

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Shifting Gears

By Karen Vally on 19 Jul 2019

" If you figure out what 1st gear feels like for you and discipline yourself to spend more time there, more power will flow through you."

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The Big "E"

By Karen Vally on 21 Jun 2019

" As we go through the daily grind, it is very easy to forget about all the little things that make our lives easier and more comfortable."

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Figuring Out a System (Learning the Art of Juggling)

By Karen Vally on 14 May 2019

"'ll be setting yourself up to be lonely and unhealthy in your future."

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On Solid Ground

By Karen Vally on 30 Jan 2019

" Self-esteem affects virtually every facet of your life. Maitaining a healthy, realistic view of yourself isn't about blowing your own horn. It's about learning to like and respect yourself - faults and all."

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By Karen Vally on 29 Jan 2019

" Children possess brilliance in their simplicity. They may not know much about the world, but in some ways this is their biggest strength. Growing up expands our viewsof the world - but there are some basic values that we sometimes forget with age." 

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The Smooth Operator

By Karen Vally on 28 Jan 2019

" When ego is lost, limit is lost. You become infinite, kind and beautiful."  Drop your ego. You have nothing to lose but rather a whole life to gain.


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By Karen Vally on 15 Jan 2019

" To live a remarkable life, it is vital that you take consistent action in spite of your fears and doubts."

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By Karen Vally on 10 Dec 2018

" We're not trees. If we don't like where we're planted, we can MOVE."

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By Karen Vally on 17 Nov 2018

" Once you have a deeper understanding of why something is important to you, it makes it easier to follow through with getting it done." Raven Ishak.

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Past, Present and Future

By Karen Vally on 09 Oct 2018

" Our past feelings can serve as great lessons. Our future feelings can serve as great motivation. Our present self can absorb all the joy that is inherent in that moment." Louise Thompson.

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Life 101

By Karen Vally on 15 Sep 2018

" Feelings of stress don't just come from outside circumstances. They come from what we are telling ourselves about our circumstances." 

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How are you? Really, how are you?

By Karen Vally on 17 Aug 2018

" So, next time you see someone who doesn't look good, ask them, ' How are you? Really, how are you?" And then be prepared to listen to their response."

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Like a Hand in a Glove

By Karen Vally on 16 Jul 2018

" The process of discovering your personal values involves not just discovering what you're passionate about but also finding out what's really important to you."

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A Different Future

By Karen Vally on 14 Jun 2018

" The decision to change is a crucial moment because it marks the point where your mind shifts and you begin to see a different future. It is also a fragile point... fraught with temptations to revert to the way things have always been and with distractions away from the focused effort that's required to do something new and make it stick." Stewart D. Friedman

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By Karen Vally on 11 Apr 2018

" As long as you live, keep learning how to live." Seneca. "

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Growing Happiness Under Your Feet

By Karen Vally on 08 Mar 2018

" As long as you live, keep learning how to live." Seneca.

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The Ordinary, Everyday and Mundane Moments

By Karen Vally on 27 Feb 2018

" How we take it for granted - those trivial conversations; those mundane moments that we think hold no meaning. We never realise how much we rely on the ordinariness of everyday life."

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Finding Solutions

By Karen Vally on 31 Jan 2018

" Choose to live life as a scientist and challenge yourself to experiment your way through your problems."

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The Big Picture, the Small Picture and Everything Else in Between

By Karen Vally on 18 Oct 2017

" When followed up with action, regularly scheduled divergent big-picture thinking can bring new, better ideas to light and give you confidence that the small tasks you're doing all day are steps along the right path."

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The Power of A Pause

By Karen Vally on 17 Oct 2017

" Taking brief pauses throughout the day can be simple and effortless and still have a profound impact on your life and work."

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By Karen Vally on 16 Oct 2017

" Practice is the best of all instructors."

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By Karen Vally on 28 Sep 2017

" If we learn to struggle well, we will thrive and flourish." Rod Warner

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Join The Club

By Karen Vally on 08 Sep 2017

Choosing to join the Lifelong Learners Club will enhance your well-being. " Human beings are born curious and eager to know."

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Head, Heart or Intuition?

By Karen Vally on 14 Aug 2017

People who make the best decisions typically operate from all three.

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Avoiding Mountains and Molehills (Creating Space in a Noisy, Chaotic World)

By Karen Vally on 15 Jul 2017

" If we could all be more even-keeled (so we didn't sweat the small stuff), we would enhance our health, both physical and mental."

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Unrealistic Expectations

By Karen Vally on 14 Jun 2017

" Unrealistic expectations are potentially damaging because they set us and others up for failure. When we or someone else falls short, we draw false conclusions, feel negative feelings and act in negative ways." Selena Snow

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Living In The Here And Now

By Karen Vally on 25 May 2017

" If there's one thing you cannot escape, it's the present. In fact, there's no other way to live..."

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What it Means To Be Human

By Karen Vally on 21 Apr 2017

"What puts man in the luxury class among all forms of life is his unique capacity for thought, and his possession of a free will."

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By Karen Vally on 20 Mar 2017

" We can all say 'yes' to more well-being." Martin Seligman.

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Gaining New Insights

By Karen Vally on 19 Feb 2017

" Being aware is not just noting details of what is happening for a few minutes, it is a continuous way of life. It is an openness to everything around you and within you." Learn how to thrive..."Thriving individuals have a spark that fuels energy in themselves and others." They ooze vitality and are constantly learning and growing by acquiring new skills and more knowledge.

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An Open Mind

By Karen Vally on 13 Jan 2017

" If you have an open mind, one of the most tremendous results of that trait will be your ability to perpetually seek and discover new opportunities, new ideas and new approaches to solving the challenges you face." David K. Williams.

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A Work in Progress

By Karen Vally on 14 Dec 2016

We were all, once upon a time, one of the above – uncontaminated by the world and blissfully happy. And then we grew up...

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Just Imagine

By Karen Vally on 17 Nov 2016

" Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions."

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By Karen Vally on 20 Oct 2016

" You can read every productivity tip out there, you can adopt the routines of geniuses, and you can eat up every piece of self-help that comes across the computer screen, but it's completely pointless if you don't know yourself well enough to put the correct advice into practice."

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View 76 


By Karen Vally on 21 Sep 2016

" You won't always succeed in exercising self-control. No one is perfect. There will be lapses. But, over time, and with continual practice, your capacity to exert self-control can substantially increase, leading to a much more fulfilling and rewarding life." Professor Ron R. Rhoades.

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View 75 

Laying New Foundations

By Karen Vally on 22 Aug 2016

" Some of them (our existing beliefs) may have been working in the background for a very long time (such as from childhood) and have never been cosciously questioned, reviewed and updated since." Peter Graham.

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A Burning Desire

By Karen Vally on 21 Jul 2016

A burning desire is the starting point of all accomplishment.

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Our Blind Spots

By Karen Vally on 21 Jun 2016

" When I discover a blind spot ( and this can be as frequently as a few times a day ) and actively address it, I evolve into a better human being." Celes. The most obvious feature of a blind spot is that we need someone else to help us identify it, says Dr Mariette Jansen. " The person I have become today and the person I was in the past are quite different, and it wasn't through luck or an accident. It was through conscious desire and (hard) work."

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I Am Because I Write

By Karen Vally on 24 May 2016

" Take time each day to write something about your life's journey. Reflect daily on that which has meaning to you. There is always something but we often let the little miracles go unacknowledged. Capture them, cherish them and claim them as part of the wonderment of your life." Mary Frances Winters.

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View 71 

Feeling Comfortable

By Karen Vally on 25 Apr 2016

The key to lasting happiness is found when we develop the ability to align our behaviour with our values. We find  meaning and a sense of purpose and feel content.

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Untapped Potential

By Karen Vally on 29 Mar 2016

You were once a child, a very curious, fearless and unstoppable child who did not even dream of anything being impossible. You were born with limitless potential and as soon as you had learnt to walk, you began to explore the world around you. And then you started school...

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View 69 


By Karen Vally on 16 Dec 2015

'The greatest discovery of any generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitude. ' William James.

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Going Places with Dr Seuss ( A Trip Down Memory Lane )

By Karen Vally on 21 Nov 2015

" And when things start to happen,
don't worry. Don't stew.
Just go right along.
You'll start happening too...."
So be sure when you step.
Step with care and great tact
and remember that Life's
a Great Balancing Act."

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View 67 

Being Human

By Karen Vally on 14 Oct 2015

" Everyone has inside of them a piece of good news. "

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The Driving Force

By Karen Vally on 24 Sep 2015

What role do the 6 Human Needs play in our lives?

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The Secret

By Karen Vally on 25 Aug 2015

"Activity makes us happier than doing nothing."

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The Perpetual Artist

By Karen Vally on 21 Jul 2015

Imagine if you were to become as unstoppable, fearless and determined as the toddler you once were...

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The " Safe Harbour "

By Karen Vally on 15 Jun 2015

We are NOT our comfort zones. We have created them. We have the power to sail away from them. Then can we thrive in ways we never thought were possible.

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Inner Resources

By Karen Vally on 23 May 2015

What are your inner resources? How will you strengthen them? Which inner resources do you wish you had?

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By Karen Vally on 16 Apr 2015

Something is unlocked when a breakthrough occurs.

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Shifting Focus

By Karen Vally on 21 Mar 2015

" Actually you can change your life in an instant, by making a single decision never to go back to the way you have been living - no matter what." We make changes when the benefits exceed the costs.

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Digging Deep

By Karen Vally on 26 Feb 2015

" No treasure is ever found close to the surface."

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Turning Point

By Karen Vally on 17 Jan 2015

" ...a crisis can be a turning point where we move forward in a new and productive direction. It can create an opportunity that we would never have had if things had stayed the same. "

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View 52 


By Karen Vally on 16 Dec 2014

"The purpose of life is to...return home to who you once were...In the instant after you were born, you were fearless, pure love, innocent, infinitely wise, of boundless potential and beautifully connected with the unseen hand that created the universe. As a very young child, you were filled with wonder and fully alive to life. Most of us on the planet today have lost this connection...this original state of being in which we were unafraid to walk towards possibility and reach for the stars. The whole reason we are to grow into our greatest selves and remember the truth about who we fundamentally are. Life will support you perfectly in this quest." Robin Sharma

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Quality Control

By Karen Vally on 17 Nov 2014

By aligning our behaviour with our priorities, we can greatly enhance the quality of our lives.

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By Karen Vally on 27 Oct 2014

"The quality of your life is not dictated by what you do - it's how you feel about your activities that matters."

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Invisible To The Eye

By Karen Vally on 24 Sep 2014

A person is a person through other people.

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Be Yourself

By Karen Vally on 23 Aug 2014

By making a difference in the life of another person, we give our lives meaning and purpose.

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A Mentor

By Karen Vally on 26 Jul 2014

Being mentored is about making a decision to form a partnership with a more knowledgeable and experienced person, so that we can maximise our potential, improve our skills, increase our productivity and become the person we want to be. A mentor motivates, encourages and empowers their mentee by sharing their knowledge and experence. The mentee develops a sharper focus and gains insight and fulfillment. The process of change is accelerated and is far more effective.

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Taking Time To Think

By Karen Vally on 22 Jun 2014

How much time do you spend thinking?

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By Karen Vally on 20 May 2014

Their awareness is much sharper, they constantly observe themselves, and they know what to do when they fall back into their old habits.

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Perfectionism, Productivity and Distractions

By Karen Vally on 25 Apr 2014

'The key to productivity is knowing where and how you work best and having the discipline to create your world the way you want it.' Philip Humbert

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By Karen Vally on 26 Mar 2014

Although we shall never escape our tendency to form habits, we are able to CHOOSE which ones we would like to integrate into our daily lives.

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By Karen Vally on 19 Feb 2014

"Let your roots grow down into Him and draw up nourishment from Him."

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Overcoming Anxiety and Fear

By Karen Vally on 25 Jan 2014

"Old grooves can be deep, familiar and slippery - especially when you forget to practise and use what got you out of them in the first place. Eventually you believe that you never changed and that all your past efforts were in vain, which is one of the biggest misconceptions of life."

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A Wake Up Call

By Karen Vally on 07 Jan 2014

We all live our lives as if we're not going to die. It's the furtherest thing from our minds as we hurry our way through our list of things to do...

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The Butterfly Reflects on 2013

By Karen Vally on 24 Dec 2013

Living my dream

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Our Great Gardener

By Karen Vally on 12 Dec 2013

While in he was in prison, he was allowed to have a small, narrow garden. He transformed it into a place where he could soothe his soul. It was a place where he felt relaxed and where he recalled his childhood memories. We all need the equivalent of a garden in our lives to revitalise us.

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Decisions, Decisions, Decisions...

By Karen Vally on 29 Nov 2013

'Our decisions determine our destiny' - Anthony Robbins

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Making Conversation

By Karen Vally on 08 Nov 2013

Our uniqueness - that's the one thing that will make us more effective in making conversation...

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How Well Do You Manage Your Time?

By Karen Vally on 19 Oct 2013

10 Tips For Managing Your Time More Efficiently

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Awesome Wonder

By Karen Vally on 21 Sep 2013

...I chose to do things more

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A Kaleidoscope Of Ideas And Inspiration

By Karen Vally on 24 Aug 2013

'Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die.'

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By Karen Vally on 26 Jul 2013

Memories are a priceless gift...

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By Karen Vally on 26 Jul 2013

Celebrate your friendships today. Reflect upon the way in which they have enhanced your life. Say thank you to your friends today. It might be the last time you get an opportunity to do so.

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What Makes Your Soul Dance?

By Karen Vally on 12 Jul 2013

Whilst the sight of butterflies, bridges and rainbows... bring a smile to my face and joy to my heart... what is your favourite thing?

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Making A Difference

By Karen Vally on 03 Jul 2013

What made you get out of bed this morning? Was it simply to repeat the same routine of the previous day, or was it to fulfil your true purpose?

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Inside Story

By Karen Vally on 18 Jun 2013

I recently made a decision to swop the “perceived” comfort of a job in the Corporate World for “permanent residence” in the land of ”Bliss”. Instead of living my life as a” wound up spring” in an environment ruled by fear, I now wake up every morning, feeling calm and very grateful that I am a self employed New Insights Life Coach. But the transformation did not take place overnight-it took just over two years...the metamorphosis, that is, from a caterpillar trapped in a “cocoon”, to a colourful butterfly basking in the warmth of her new found freedom.

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Latest Blog Posts
View 183 
> Daring To Do Things Differently
View 182 
> The T Word (Tracking Your Progress)
View 181 
> Something Beginning With G


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