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Untapped Potential | Karen Vally Life Coach

Self - Belief

By Karen Vally on 17 Sep 2019

Believing in oneself is a skill that can be learnt and it is most effective when it is practised regularly. The first step is to eliminate negative self-talk and any negative beliefs you are holding about yourself. What proof is there that they are true? If not, simply replace them with  positive ones.

I wonder whose voice you hear most often? Is it your own or is it that of a parent or a teacher? What if you were to learn how to distinguish between the voice that encourages you and the ones that hold you back?

When you take the time to identify, focus on and explore ways in which to grow your strengths, you begin to learn how to bring out the best in yourself. When you trust your judgement and believe in your capabilities, this process flows more naturally.

Self-belief is that positive feeling within you that makes you feel as if you can achieve anything. You feel confident and  empowered - even in the face of a setback. Self-belief uncovers possible solutions and enables you to learn valuable lessons from your mistakes. It is the catalyst for growing your perseverance.

Being faced with challenges helps your self-belief to flourish. You need to set realistic goals, record your successes and to reward yourself for both the big and the small ones. It is these cumulative achievements that have a powerful effect on the growth your self-belief.

The most longlasting and meaningful relationship that you will ever have, is the one that you have with yourself. Nurture and nourish it well. Develop positive traits and live  by them. Be certain of your purpose. Surround yourself  with like-minded people. Stand tall and keep moving forwards. 

" Self-belief is a reflection of how good you are at handling the various aspects of life. The more you grow as a person, the more reasons you have to believe in yourself."

Believe that you have the ability to influence your life. Know that you are a worthwhile person with unique gifts, talents and strengths. Your health, well-being and productivity will improve. So will your relationships.

" The best way to boost your self- confidence is to open yourself up to positive new experiences and allow yourself to succeed."

Become a lifelong learner. Align your thoughts, words and actions with your values. It all lies within dig deep and find your treasure. 

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