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Untapped Potential | Karen Vally Life Coach

Audit Your Life, Ask for Help and Reward Yourself

By Karen Vally on 04 Jul 2020

A life audit is an opportunity to assess how far we've come and then to use this information to become the best version of ourselves.If you've never conducted an audit on your life before, I challenge you to do so.

Choose an area of your life such as time management; productivity; personal development; health and well-being or finances, that you would like to analyze.
Design a form or spreadsheet on which to record the results.
Decide how frequently you will evaluate your progress ( daily; weekly or monthly).
Choose a measurement tool such as a scale of 1 - 10.
Conduct the audit.
Use the information to create a new action plan.

" When life is audited, performance improves...The more you track, the more you know about your situation, your behaviour and your projected future...Tracking improves everything." 

What if we were to try and ask for help more often as we navigate our way through life?  The easiest way in which to overcome the possible discomfort we might feel when we ask for help, is to realize that most people are willing to assist us in whatever way they can.

 Choose someone that you trust, decide on a convenient time and then describe clearly what sort of help you need. Afterwards, express your appreciation by emphasising how relieved you feel. Look for opportunities to reciprocate by helping others wherever and whenever you can.

We all need motivation when we endeavour to accomplish a particular goal. What is the most powerful way in which to sustain our momentum, as we navigate our way through several milestones towards that goal? The most powerful way is by praising and rewarding ourselves. When did you last say to yourself, "Well done! What a fantastic achievement!"

 Most people find it easy to drive themselves to work hard but few realize the power that lies in rewarding themselves along the way. Practise appreciating your gifts, talents and strengths. Write them down. Choose appropriate and meaningful rewards to celebrate your achievements. 

Decide to monitor your personal and professional development more regularly. Notice your accomplishments. Have a clear idea of the person you want to become and the legacy you want to leave. Live your life "by design rather than by default."

" In your life, there are going to be constant demands for your time and attention...The trap many people fall into is to allocate their time to whatever screams loudest, and their talent to whatever offers them the fastest reward. That is a dangerous way to build a strategy." Clayton M. Christensen.


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