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Untapped Potential | Karen Vally Life Coach

Inside Story

By Karen Vally on 18 Jun 2013

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” M. Proust

I recently made a decision to swop the “perceived” comfort of a job in the Corporate World for “permanent residence” in the land of ”Bliss”. Instead of living my life as a” wound up spring” in an environment ruled by fear, I now wake up every morning, feeling calm and very grateful that I am a self employed New Insights Life Coach. But the transformation did not take place overnight-it took just over two years...the metamorphosis, that is, from a caterpillar trapped in a “cocoon”, to a colourful butterfly basking in the warmth of her new found freedom.

“Change does not cause pain. It is resistance to change that causes pain.” Anon

The two main catalysts for my relocation to the land of “Bliss”, were, the offer from an acquaintance of mine, of a series of coaching sessions, in order that she might use me as one of her case studies and secondly, an invitation to a meditation class.

The former gave me an opportunity to take stock of my life-to examine where I was at the moment, and where I wanted to be in the future. I acquired a set of tools and techniques which enabled me to implement positive changes in my life and to convert “ stumbling blocks into stepping stones”, to achieve my dream of becoming a life coach. I courageously explored new possibilities and I learnt how to self-correct. I realised that I really DID have a choice and that anything is possible!

The latter, the Meditation Class that is, is the most profound lifestyle discovery that I have ever made. I have finally found what I have been looking for. All my life, I have yearned for inner peace. I now realise that I was looking in all the wrong places.

“When we reconnect with who we really are, happiness becomes as normal as breathing.”

If it’s lasting happiness that you’re looking for, then look no further-join a meditation class, for there you will learn that the key to lasting happiness, is inner peace, and that inner peace can be attained by learning to calm one’s mind through meditation practise. It’s quite simple really: sit straight up in a chair, feet on the ground and hands facing palms up and resting on your thighs. All that you need to do, is to focus on your breath in, and your breath out, for five minutes. Gradually, one can extend the time to ten minutes per session. This technique can be practised as often as you wish.

Thus one learns the basic principle of patient acceptance (how naïve it was of me to think that I could control everything and everyone in my life, at all times! No wonder I never felt calm and peaceful!) How enlightened I have become and how radically my priorities have changed! How much more inspired am I to try and be less selfish and more generous, less impatient and more tolerant, less assertive and more accepting. What I yearn for most, is no longer a 3 day shopping spree in Cape Town, but serenity, wisdom but most of all, contentment! “When you honour what you have, you need less-when you need less, you’ll want less-when you want less, you’ll attract more of what you want.” In the words of Carolyn Larson, “Contentment lays a blanket of peacefulness deep in the soul.” Being "in the world but not of the world", is a real challenge. Living "from the outside in", is one possible way of achieving that.

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