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Untapped Potential | Karen Vally Life Coach

Gaining New Insights

By Karen Vally on 19 Feb 2017

Human beings are creatures of habit. We live in a very noisy world in which technology dominates and information descends upon us incessantly. We seldom pay sufficient attention to what is taking place either around or within us. We find it painful to do things differently. Fear and doubt often paralyze us.

" All men should learn before they die, what they are running from and to, and why." James Thurler.

Sadly, most people avoid thinking too deeply about themselves, preferring instead to believe that everything will somehow work out well. What if we were to strive to learn as much as we can about ourselves and others?

What we ultimately achieve in our lives, depends upon how we use our daily gift of 24 hours. Maximising our strengths will deliver a better return for time spent than if we were to try and improve our weaknesses. By holding ourselves accountable for what happens in our lives, we empower ourselves to make wise decisions and to find solutions to our various challenges.

" If you want power over your life, frame everything that happens to you as a consequence of your choices." How do we remain effective without eroding our well-being?

" It's not the chatter of people around us that is the most powerful distractor, but rather the chatter of our own minds." David Goleman.

It is a good idea to try the following:

1. Clear a space. Set your priorities. List your tasks.
2. Limit digital distractions.
3. Execute 1 task at a time
4. Work in 45 minute intervals. Take short, regular breaks.
5. Set a deadline and an appropriate reward.
6.. Check your emails at pre-determined times.
7. Follow through.

" The successful man (or woman) is the average man (or woman) focused."

As we create more balance in our lives, our ability to focus more diligently improves. The latter plays a critical role in achieving success. Successful people have well developed coping mechanisms as they are resilient, flexible and adapt easily. These character traits are usually the result of a well established daily routine which provides us with structure, certainty, direction, effectiveness and a sense of fulfillment. Having a routine neutralizes bad habits and often minimizes stress. It results in a more effective life/work balance. By implementing a daily routine, it is unlikely that a single day is wasted getting caught up in the needs and wants of others. Remember though, that our routines need to evolve, staying always in alignment with our values, needs and goals. Change your daily routine as soon as enthusiasm, productivity and motivation diminish. Extract the best out of every day. Set your day up to move you closer to your dreams and goals and then bask in your accomplishments.

Replace your expectations with plans and be open to new possibilities. Sharpen your powers of observation and feel confident about your ability to adapt. Use mindfulness and meditation to keep you calm and peaceful. Keep a journal in which to record your thoughts. Ask others for feedback. This is not easy, but it usually provides a more realistic picture of ourselves.

" As human beings, we may never fully understand ourselves, if there is such a destination. But perhaps it is the journey of exploring, understanding and becoming ourselves that makes life worth living."



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